Monday, October 10, 2011

An Instructional Guide to Squirrel Yoga

This weekend we were graced by the celebrity appearance of Uncle Go Go and Auntie Stop.  (For those of you who know them, are these not the most fitting nicknames, like ever?!)

When he's not saving the world from corporate greed and consumer fraud, Uncle Go Go likes to invent new yoga poses and teach them to family and friends.  Once you see the genius that is to follow, I think you will all join me in saying namaste, Uncle Go Go, namaste.

And with that introduction, I give you Squirrel Yoga:

Chicken Pose

Owl Pose, Part 1

Owl Pose, Part 2

Owl Pose, Part 3

Uncle Go Go on a Pedestal Pose

Monkey in a Tree Pose

Downward Facing Giraffe Pose, Part 1

Downward Facing Giraffe Pose, Part 2

Flying Uncle Go Go

and finally... Squirrel! Pose

Saturday, October 1, 2011

H - E - Double Hockey Sticks

My personal version of hell involves being trapped in an over-crowded, fluorescent lit, perfume and make-up section of a department store while being spritzed against my will to overly amplified techno beats.  A dialed down version of that involves being stressed while driving and not being able to turn off the radio.  So, in other words, sensory overload, with the worst offender being sound.

Cue the toddler screeching.  Cue the mother needing massive amounts of vino.