Saturday, August 4, 2012


About a year ago I wrote about how a friend told me how surprised she was at my parenting style because she thought I'd be strict, but instead I was a freaking push-over.  Truth be told, it was a true, (though way harsh, D,) assessment.

Well now - I'm sure Mateo would beg to differ.

Don't get me wrong, he's a really good kid.  A two year old, of course, so it's mayhem half the time, but he's a good listener and very sweet.  As far as I'm concerned though, furniture should not be jumped on, food should be eaten at a table, and for the love of God, fingers should not be put inside the dogs' mouths.

It's not particularly shocking, or fascinating, that this is where I'm at now.  But what I do find really interesting is that I find it much easier to be a disciplinarian with Mateo than Geno does.  And I know we're not alone in this dynamic.  More than a few women friends have told me about how their husbands either refuse to discipline their kids, or have pretty intense internal struggles over it.

Maybe these 30, 40 and 50 something dudes grew up with super strict dads and now they are processing how to handle it with their own children.  In our family, I think that may be the case.  (For those of you who know my father in law, I know it's impossible to imagine him being strict with anyone, even for a minute... ah, the freedom grandparenting brings!)

Maybe I'm reading too much into this, and clearly there are exceptions to every rule -not to mention all sorts of family configurations.  But that being said, this pop-psychologist think there's a there, there.  (Pop, ha.)

Yes?  No?