Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Curse of the Bambino

Two things that don't happen very often collided this weekend.  First, Geno and I had the opportunity to go to a yoga class together, sans bebe.  (Thank you abuelos.)  Second, to celebrate the first, we felt we should do something really special and really adult to mark our time alone.  So, especially since we were headed to yoga, we decided it made all the sense in the world to spend the entire drive there using every curse word known to humankind.  That's exactly what you thought I was going to say, right?

Neither of us swears that much to begin with, (except for the occasional cursing of insane drivers or tennis opponents), but there's something about having a kid who you don't want to swear around that makes you really enjoy a good cursing session.  (We're trying to avoid the situation that a friend of a friend of mine had when her three year old asked her, "When are we going to f-ing Grandma's house?") 

So, in addition to listing out all of our favorite curse words, we also quoted our favorite music or movie lines that involve swearing.  Geno offered, "Whatever the f#$@, whatever" from Training Day, and my personal favorite is from the break in the Iowa fight song when the whole crowd chants, "We're gonna beat the f#$@ out of you, and you, and you, and you and you and you!"

I think our "conversation" really put us in the right frame of mind for yoga, because both of us rocked the s#%! out of that savasana, m$^&# - f$^&@#.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

You are Getting Very Sleeeeeepy...

What would a blog by a new mother be without at least one post dedicated to sleep, or lack thereof? 

When I was pregnant, I was more anxious about the impending sleep deprivation than anything labor related.  I've always been the type of person who needs at least 8 hours of sleep a night to stay healthy, and I was certain that being up all night would not only be hard, but actually make me sick.  Thankfully, though, my body miraculously adjusted to being up at all hours of the night, and caffeine and fancy undereye cover have constantly been at my fingertips, so I've managed to stay healthy and look relatively "rested."  (Note- if you're looking for a different type of baby shower gift, let me strongly recommend Touche Eclat!)

Despite possibly looking rested, let me just say, I am t-i-r-e-d.  Now that Mateo is almost one year old, I can safely say that my child is not a sleeper.  He's shown sparks of the type of sleep schedule that I hear other people's children have, but this kid has only slept 12 straight hours one night of his life.  (Although I will give him props for a recent 11 hour 45 minute night.)  At this point, I think we've tried it all: crying it out (aka extinction, which is a supremely disturbing name), graduated extinction, nursing, not nursing, hugging it out, lots of naps, only a few naps, rum, okay no rum -but I've been tempted.  The results have been scatter shot at best, and those darn teeth don't make our efforts any easier.

I know that some mythical day he will be 16 and we won't be able to get him out of bed, but that feels like a couple lifetimes away.  I will say though, that I haven't reached the point where I've driven into a city bus, which I recently heard some sleep deprived mom did.  (In my case, it would be a snow drift.) 

I guess my bottom line is this:  How can I get a night nurse to move into my house for free?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

11 Months

Once again, noting that this monthly letter to Mateo is not my idea, and a really good idea...

Querido Mateo,

If I've said it once, I've said it a million times: humans should be born with teeth.  I know, I know, there would be some occupational hazards for your breastfeeding mother, but right now, the risk looks worthy.  We are pretty sure that there are some molars in the works for you, but at the bare minimum, you have two more top teeth almost in.  Eventually this will be great because it will expand your solid food options, but in the meantime, it has wreaked havoc on your little digestive system.  To cope with the the side effects we've taken to giving you milk baths, which I think you find fascinating, as your splashing quotient has redoubled.  (Inanely, I can't help but sing "My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard" when you go crazy with the splashing.  Da-da-da-da-daaa.)

In more upbeat news, this month marked the beginnings of some pretty exciting changes on the horizon.  We met with your to-be teacher for when you start "school" in September.  She is warm and kind, and you took to her right away.  It will be tough on me those first couple of days that I drop you off, but knowing that she will be caring for you and about you will make it so much easier.  We also finally decided to find an occasional babysitter to take care of you, and once again, I think we are all in agreement that she is really terrific.  Not only did you try to scale her, but you couldn't stop flashing her your increasingly winning smile, one that looks a little like this:

As for the walking-talking update, you are loving "uh-oh."  Of course, accidentally dropping something has very little to do with the word.  It's pretty hilarious when you're in your highchair and purposely throw food over the side to Maximus, and the split second before actually letting go of the food, yell out "uhhhh-oh." Maximus, as a result, is now deeply in love with you.  Here he is, trying to make out with you:

Walking-wise, you're not quite there yet, but you're interested in testing your balance, and have now perfected both pulling yourself up on things and getting down.  (The down part is relief for all of us!)  Here's a nice pic of you standing from a recent playdate with Savanh, both of you looking guilty.  (Please, remember that even if I'm not there, you're totally busted.) 

And finally, no summary of this month would be complete without a mention of the weather.  We have been completely slammed by storm after storm this month.  The good news is that this has meant more time for us to spend together as a family (the beauty of working for educational institutions), but I think you dad wants you to start pulling your weight around here and help with the shoveling! 

I love you,