Sunday, April 10, 2011

Spring Fling

I had one of those "this is something I could totally remember for the rest of my life" moments today.  It is finally starting to feel like spring, and this afternoon was one of the nicest we've had so far: temperatures in the mid-60's, a light breeze, birds singing and grass growing. 

After a long morning nap, Mateo and I headed outside to our backyard to get some fresh air and build up our Vitamin D reserves.  After spending a few moments on our swing, I decided to see if he would be willing to try walking around.  He's still not taking more than 1 or 2 steps without holding on to our hands, but what he did today was a new milestone. 

We walked not once, not twice, but three times down the hill that our house is on (it's steep!) and looped up our driveway and steps back up to our patio - without stopping.  As I held his little hands and he took sure footed steps with the sun on our backs and the smell of earth in the air, I could have sworn new life and resurrection came two weeks early.

(This is from May 2010, but it's a reminder of what's to come!)

1 comment:

Mary Lake said...

Wow, I have tears of joy and love! Precious moments are to be held in awe and remembered. Get out the Red Plate!! Love Mom