Saturday, July 2, 2011

15 & 16 Months

Dear Mateo,

Apologies for the missed month, but I figured you knew where to find me if you really needed a timely synopsis of May.

So, wow, you are NOT a baby, kid.  You are a full on walking, talking, stumbling, bumbling toddler.  In May you finally let go of our hands and decided to go all solo-biped on us.  Like all little ones, your initial walking was very zombie like.  Check this out:

But now, wow- look at you go!

You LOVE to be outside, and perish the thought of wind, rain or thunder getting in the way of you be afuera.  Thank goodness the weather has been relatively cooperative, because I'm personally not so in to being on a playground during thunderstorms.  (By the way, you sleep through thunder.  It shocks me.)

I think one of the reasons you like being outside so much is because it tends to be where the people action is...  You have been very social since you were born, but now that you can run after other children, you want to interact even more.  There was one moment, (captured nowhere on film or video, but forever in my heart), where at a picnic with friends you walked on over to a group of 10 year olds and just stood in a circle with them, hanging out.  It slayed me.  

And speaking of friends and family, we were so lucky to get an extended visit from your grandparents in June.  You were all over them, and got to spend some truly quality time doing things like hanging out on the playground and petting caged animals. 

As we head into July, we're gearing up for a BIG trip to Puerto Rico to visit your great-grandmother and lots of cousins.  I'm afraid that the plane ride may be more of a challenge than last year's trip to Virginia Beach when you were just 5 months, but hopefully we can sufficiently distract you with promises of all-you-can-eat rice & beans.  I'm also hopeful that the airline will believe me that you're just 16 months old, because holy cow, you have long legs, my friend.

Here's to another month, my love.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Teo! Where's mama? How can I love you guys so much?