Sunday, October 31, 2010

Is there a Juris Doctor in the house?

I have always admired working moms, including my own, but I never understood how tough it is until becoming one myself.  I still have yet to return to complete full-time work, but my four day work week clock is ticking.  Working and motherhood is perhaps THE topic for modern motherhood, so I don't know that I have anything profound to add to the conversation, except to say that I think everyone should work only four days a week, not just moms.  The four day work week is actually an emerging work-law issue, and for those of you who want to learn more about the pros and cons, the Connecticut Law Review did a symposium on it last year (  (Fittingly, I was not at the law school that day because I took the day off so as to have only worked four days that week.)  For me, working four days a week provides a great balance between getting to stretch my work-related mental muscles and also getting to spend a little bit more time with Mateo.  It just feels so civilized. 

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