Tuesday, January 4, 2011

10 Months

One of the inspirations for starting my blog was reading my friend Beth's husband's cousin's wife's blog.  Got that?  Jill chronicles her adventures with her daughter, Edie, who is now a toddler.  (Check her out at: Jill's Daily Note.)  One of the best features of Jill's blog is her monthly letter to Edie, in which she describes Edie's developments and changes in the past month.  So, now having paid my due respects to Jill, I'd like to copy her concept and write a little ode to a certain 10 month old I know.

Querido Mateo,

Can you say mamadadapapababawawa?  Yes, yes you can.  I'm not sure that any of these "words" are actually connected to people or objects yet, but it is so fun to hear you say mama.  (In fact, it seems to be your sounds of choice to serenade me with on our daily drive to Abuela's house.) 

This month has been huge for you in terms of your physical and social development.  After almost two months of crawling backwards and sideways, you finally figured forward out.  So exciting!  We have had to do a lot of baby proofing now that you can accurately get from Point A to Point B, but it's so worth it.  You can barely contain your excitement as you crawl towards us, leaving only a trail of drool behind you as you go.  We don't expect it to be long before you're walking, as you love to pull yourself up on anything you can get hold of and seem to think you can already take steps on your own.  (You recently got your first bruise, due in part to taking a step that caught us all by surprise.) 

Here you are playing with you brother from another mother, Savanh.
Teething also continues to be a regular part of each week.  I swear those teeth are popping out all over!  So far you have 7 that have completely come in, but 3 more are currently in the works.  As a result, you now have to wear a bib basically all day long, or you would be soaked in drool.  It's also made for some interesting choices in things you like to gnaw on.  (Books seem to be your number one choice.)  Having so many teeth is good though, because you are really getting into chewing your food.  It won't be long before you're eating corn on the cob, I'm certain of it.

Socially, you've really blossomed this month.  If Whole Foods were ever to hire greeters a la Walmart, yours would be the first application they would receive.  You love going to the grocery store and smiling/laughing at everyone you see.  Other stores and restaurants are fun too, but there's something about the grocery store and sheer numbers of people that makes you squeal with delight.  On the flip side, however, you've now started with the age-appropriate development of separation anxiety, which means squeals of non-delight when I leave the room.  (Part of me finds this really endearing, but part of me finds it deafening.)

Check out that smile and those teeth!
This month was also such a fun time for you with family.  In mid-December we celebrated ThanksChristmaKuh with all the Ayalas, and you got to go on a very cool train ride to the "North Pole." (Where we all, including you, contracted a mild form of the plague.  But boy was that train fun!)  Then in late December, your Grandpa Mike and Grandma Mary came to Connecticut to celebrate Christmas with us.  You had a ton of fun getting to see your grandparents in 3D (as opposed to the 2D of Skype), and even got to spend time with all your grandparents at once.  What a lucky boy!

Now you're on to your second calendar year (from 2010 to 2011), and in a few short months will turn the big 0-1.  Can you believe it?!  Me neither.

I love you sweetheart,

1 comment:

Jill said...

Hi Nicole! Thanks for the blog props and loved your letter. If you're ever visiting Beth, we should get all the kids together sometime...