Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Variations on a Theme

You know how some weeks you're very focused, and others you're all over the place?  This week has been one of the latter for me.  I'm not sure if the tedium of winter is to blame, but what the heck, why not place the blame at the feet of Mother Nature, that icy snow queen. 

Thanks to the non-stop winter storms we've had here in the Northeast, lately I've spent an inordinate amount of time in my car.  Just yesterday morning it took me almost two hours to go 10 miles!  Some of the time I have Mateo along with me, but after I drop him off, I usually have a minimum of 30 minutes (on a good day) of driving to do to get to work.  When he's along for the ride we usually spend the time singing or talking (Me: Look at the snow!  Mateo:  Mamama. Ball. Uh-oh. AHHHHHH!) - but once I'm alone, I switch between NPR and a variety of music stations.  Which leads me to the random list of thoughts I've recently had while stuck on the highways and streets of Greater Hartford:
  1. Is Ke$ha a theologian disguised in hotpants?  I tend to think so because her new song not only states that she has Jesus on her neck-a-lace, but the refrain of "We are who we are," is pretty darn close to "I Am Who I Am."  (Which is a variation of YHWH in Hebrew, which is Yahweh, which is another name for, say it with me, God.) 
  2. Am I really supposed to believe that scientists can devise an experiment that proves that prairie dogs have the language skills to communicate differences between colors and sizes?  I want to believe, and yet...
  3. If I had to choose a member of the opposing party to sit with at the State of Union, under normal circumstances it would be Olympia Snowe, but her name strikes a little too close home at the moment.
  4. I wonder if any of my childhood friends remember the trend in 6th grade to come to school with frozen hair...  (I tried to leave the house with my hair wet so that it would freeze on my walk to school, but of course my mother put a stop to that immediately, thereby rendering me so uncool, and pneumonia free.)
  5. Is it Steve Inskeep or Steven Skeep?  Is it Mara Liason or Mar Aliason? 
Let me know if you have the answers to any of these burning, burning questions. 


Constance said...

Steve Inskeep.

Rebecca said...

Mara Liason (a friend of mine is friends with her). And the prairie dog thing is fascinating.