Tuesday, February 15, 2011

You are Getting Very Sleeeeeepy...

What would a blog by a new mother be without at least one post dedicated to sleep, or lack thereof? 

When I was pregnant, I was more anxious about the impending sleep deprivation than anything labor related.  I've always been the type of person who needs at least 8 hours of sleep a night to stay healthy, and I was certain that being up all night would not only be hard, but actually make me sick.  Thankfully, though, my body miraculously adjusted to being up at all hours of the night, and caffeine and fancy undereye cover have constantly been at my fingertips, so I've managed to stay healthy and look relatively "rested."  (Note- if you're looking for a different type of baby shower gift, let me strongly recommend Touche Eclat!)

Despite possibly looking rested, let me just say, I am t-i-r-e-d.  Now that Mateo is almost one year old, I can safely say that my child is not a sleeper.  He's shown sparks of the type of sleep schedule that I hear other people's children have, but this kid has only slept 12 straight hours one night of his life.  (Although I will give him props for a recent 11 hour 45 minute night.)  At this point, I think we've tried it all: crying it out (aka extinction, which is a supremely disturbing name), graduated extinction, nursing, not nursing, hugging it out, lots of naps, only a few naps, rum, okay no rum -but I've been tempted.  The results have been scatter shot at best, and those darn teeth don't make our efforts any easier.

I know that some mythical day he will be 16 and we won't be able to get him out of bed, but that feels like a couple lifetimes away.  I will say though, that I haven't reached the point where I've driven into a city bus, which I recently heard some sleep deprived mom did.  (In my case, it would be a snow drift.) 

I guess my bottom line is this:  How can I get a night nurse to move into my house for free?

1 comment:

Sylvia German said...

One of my friends backed into her husbands car this morning! She forgothe had parked behind her in the driveway! She said she was just exhausted from sleep deprivation caused by her beautiful 1 and 1/2 year old! She said they both just laughed! Hang in there! You get used to it... And payback when they're in their teens should be interesting!