Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Curse of the Bambino

Two things that don't happen very often collided this weekend.  First, Geno and I had the opportunity to go to a yoga class together, sans bebe.  (Thank you abuelos.)  Second, to celebrate the first, we felt we should do something really special and really adult to mark our time alone.  So, especially since we were headed to yoga, we decided it made all the sense in the world to spend the entire drive there using every curse word known to humankind.  That's exactly what you thought I was going to say, right?

Neither of us swears that much to begin with, (except for the occasional cursing of insane drivers or tennis opponents), but there's something about having a kid who you don't want to swear around that makes you really enjoy a good cursing session.  (We're trying to avoid the situation that a friend of a friend of mine had when her three year old asked her, "When are we going to f-ing Grandma's house?") 

So, in addition to listing out all of our favorite curse words, we also quoted our favorite music or movie lines that involve swearing.  Geno offered, "Whatever the f#$@, whatever" from Training Day, and my personal favorite is from the break in the Iowa fight song when the whole crowd chants, "We're gonna beat the f#$@ out of you, and you, and you, and you and you and you!"

I think our "conversation" really put us in the right frame of mind for yoga, because both of us rocked the s#%! out of that savasana, m$^&# - f$^&@#.


Unknown said...

I can so totally f#!@ing relate. ;) Literally did that same car ride once...last week. But seriously, we did do that when the first one was little!
Your blog is hilarious. I am fighting the urge to spread the word of it somehow. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh dear lord I miss and love you both! That is the funniest F%#@in' Sh%& that I have Mother F*^#&ing read this week. There is nothing like a F%$@*ing relaxing Mother F#@$&ing savasana. Peace and love to you both C&$% A$$ B%$#@es!!!!!!!!!!!
<3 Thea