Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Breast is Best, But Good Lord, I Need a Rest

After just over a year, I brought my pump home from work today for good.  I took the sign off my door that read, "If door is closed, please check back in 15 minutes," and opened the blinds on my internal office window that have been shut for the past 12 months, 1 week and 5 days.  

How does this make me feel?  In a word: halle-fricking-lu-jah!

Now, I will admit, I'm not done nursing.  Morning and bedtime sessions will still be on the agenda for at least one to two more months, which I am completely okay with... But not pumping at work anymore?  That is something that I am completely okay with bidding adieu.

So as our little family enters this new chapter, we would appreciate tips on how not to go broke while buying ungodly amounts of organic whole milk.  Thanks in advance.

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