Wednesday, May 18, 2011


When I impulsively decided to start a blog one sunny morning last October, I had the vague sense that there were a good number of women doing the whole "mommy blogger" thang.  Upon further exploration, I've become an enlightened to the fact that there are approximately a gazillion.  You name the angle, and some mom out there has it and documents it.  Religion, Adoption and Interracial Families?  Check.  (Rage Against the Minivan).  Profanity and Neurosis?  Check.  (Amalah.)  Recipes and Ranchers?  Check.  (The Pioneer Woman.)  Just to name a few.

As a result of all this "research" I've done, I have to admit a growing sense of ambivalence about my own writing and its purpose.  Am I writing for myself?  Mateo?  My "audience"?  (Thanks, Mom and Dad.)  I've heard that in order for a blog to be "viable" (?), it needs to be updated at least 3 times a week.  The little achiever that I am wants to be viable, but Good Lord, I don't even update my Facebook status three times a week.  And on top of that, when everyone else and their mother is already chronicling first steps, religious upbringings and freedom of speech, what else do I have to add?  (Asks that annoying voice of self doubt...)

So, I'm left in a bit of a blog-estential bind.  On New Year's Eve, when talking with my parents and husband about what we were going to do for ourselves this year, I cited continuing to write this blog.  I asked Mateo for his opinion, and the little stalwart would only say, "antidisestablishmentarianism."  Not helpful, my son, not helpful...

1 comment:

Kate C. said...

You are my favorite. And an incredible "thinker." Your non-mommy friends appreciate your blog postings too.