Saturday, September 3, 2011

18 Months

Querido Mateo,

Yesterday you turned 1 1/2 years old.  Your half birthday also happens to be your grandfather's actual birthday, which is a nice little coincidence.  (Dad- I can't believe you're only 40!)  I look forward to the day when we'll all be able to celebrate together.  (Hint, hint, parents.)

So, this past month, was like, woah.  While hurricanes and earthquakes roared around us, you decided to start speaking in short sentences.  Now, what every single word in that sentence is, I could not begin to tell you, but you generally have the gist of, "What is that?," "I want pasta," "Dada is outside" and "Bye-bye Mama."  (Among others.)  You also have continued to sing your own little made up songs, and quite frequently add in some great dance moves.  It brings me great joy, and I can't wait to subject you to choreography.

Other fun milestones have included getting your canines in, having your feet measured at a shoe store and losing your left pinky fingernail due to a really unfortunate finger-in-door jam incident.  (I still shudder.) 

You continue to be a big Elmo fan, but you also have a lot of love for Senor Sapo, the mascot of the show Atencion! Atencion!, a children's show from Puerto Rico that we watch youtube clips of on my phone.  Here's your favorite song, which you ask for by saying "Haba," which is your pronunciation of "Habia... un sapo":

Perhaps our favorite new "move" that you have adopted this past month is your side shrug.  Somewhere along the way you obviously saw one of us do it, and now you even do it in a contextually appropriate way, as if to say, "I don't know."  Here I think the question was, "Are you the cutest baby ever?"  Perfect response.

Te amo,

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