Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ix-nay on the Elmo-ay

There's no denying it, people.  He's obsessed.  I don't know if it's the high pitched voice, the slammin' dance moves or the red fur, but my boy has got it bad.  Elmo, thy name is toddler god. 

It's even gotten to the point where I have to spell out you know whose name if I don't want an immediate begging for an iPhone video or book.  And by begging, I mean Mateo saying "Elmo? Elmo? Elmo? Elmo?" while simultaneously signing "please" by patting himself repeatedly on the upper chest.  (By the by, for those of you who have kids who have signed, do you ever feel like you're being "yelled" at when they repeatedly sign over and over again?  More, more, MORE, I said!)

I'm down with Elmo, I suppose, and it's cool that he hangs with celebrities.  Particularly Adam Sandler, who I heart.  Welcome to my world:

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