Thursday, December 22, 2011

That was then, this is now... (Ho! Ho! Ho!)

This month has had a higher than normal number of trips down memory lane, and what fun it has been!  The most recent variation was today's journey to Wickham Park, the beautiful site of our wedding.  We were married in early October on an unseasonably warm day, (just ask all the newly pregnant women who almost fainted in the heat and the pals who wore tights), in the "cabin garden" overlooking the Hartford valley.  One of the quaint aspects of the cabin garden is the inclusion of an actual log cabin, huge stone fireplace and friendly (?) moose head that hangs on the mantel. 

Here's a picture of us dancing with our nephews, Jakob and Caillou, as our pal the moose looks on:  

Today was also an unseasonably warm day, (albeit in the 50's, not 80's,) and we joined a good part of the under 10 population of Connecticut (and their parents) visiting the same log cabin to meet Santa.   

Checking out a real sleigh while waiting in line

A family sleigh ride

Checking in with the Head Elf before meeting Santa

The stockings were hung by the mantle with care

Amazed by the Christmas tree

Our pal, the moose!!!

The approach to Santa was slow, despite yelling "Hi Santa!!!" when 10 feet away

But then they warmed up to each other

Just a boy, his skinny jeans, his thumb and Santa

Merry Christmas!

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