Sunday, August 7, 2011

17 Months

Querido Mateo,

Earlier this week you hit 17 months, and let me tell you, July was off the hook

Let's run down the high (and low) lights:  First sprinkler experience on the 4th of July, the now infamous trip to Puerto Rico, a heatwave, a febrile seizure & trip to the ER, an up close and personal greeting of the concrete with your forehead and nose, tons of quality time with Dad, being left by your parents for 5ish days, lots of time with your cousins and a visit from your grandparents.

Through it all, though, you have been such an amazing little trooper.  Even when you were so, so sick, you made a point of lifting your head off of Dad's shoulder to say "hola" to the ER nurse.  You start most days by "singing" (you like to make up your own tunes, but I think one is oddly close to the Barney theme song, which is interesting, because you don't watch tv), and similarly end the day by humming to me as we rock in the dark. 

Of course, you're not always a happy camper.  This month you started to embrace your independence, and there has been a significant uptick in meltdowns.  You get really frustrated by not knowing the word for something you want, and likewise when something desirable is out of reach.  I can already hear adumbrations of "Do it by myself!"  This new phase of yours also means a new phase for us as your parents, and it has already been challenging to figure out how to best handle your new toddler lifestyle.  (More on that later in the week).  It's a vortex of wonderful, hard, exhausting and exhilarating all at once.

At the end of the day, though, it's all about being a family.

Te amo,

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