Tuesday, November 29, 2011


The first year of Mateo's life I was pretty religious about reading children's development books so I could get a sense of how he was progressing compared to the traditional milestones timeline.  Most of the time I found all the information to be helpful and informative, especially because despite having babysat my way through high school and college, I had no clue about the specifics of baby babies.

As he's gotten older, however, I have definitely turned my reading attention elsewhere. (Thanks again for all those US Weekly's, Danielle!)  Not because I'm not interested in my kid, but mostly because I've decided that I'm not concerned about the pace of his development.  To be honest, I have no idea if he's advanced, average or behind the curve when it comes to most things.  What I can tell you, however, is that I find him delightful.

One of the reasons I bring this up is that recently I have been so excited to see Mateo starting to use his imagination.  Whether it's using his rake as a guitar, a pot as a hat, or putting my bag over his shoulder and pretending to leave ("byeeeee!"), he's showing sparks of imagination and a sense of humor.  I love it.

Oh, and air guitar.  We can't forget the air guitar.

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