Wednesday, November 2, 2011

This, That & The Other (or Urban Camping)

Hello pals, it's been awhile!  Despite big events such as Geno turning the big 4-0, Mateo turning the big 2-0 months and the big 0-1 anniversary of this little blogging adventure, I've done a poor job of documentation lately.  I think it can be blamed on a trifecta of hurdles, including a spike in work craziness, a head cold, and oh yeah, NO HEAT OR POWER.

Typically the part of Connecticut that we call home has pretty moderate, manageable weather, but the past few months have been really weather-weird.  First we had an earthquake, then it was Hurricane Irene and then this past weekend we had a freak nor'easter, aka the Storm that Stole Halloween. 

Thankfully we were in Vermont celebrating Geno's birthday (a complete surprise to him; so fun!) when the storm hit and we were able to extend our trip for a day, so as to delay the power-less situation.  (An apt pun if ever there were one.)  When we got back, however, it was shocking to see the devastation.  It literally looks as if a tree bomb was detonated in our neighborhood.  And in fact, a transformer on our street blew up on Sunday night.  Thankfully our house was spared structural damage, but my car's roof was majorally dented by tree branches which also broke the sun roof, and, it if weren't enough, it's blocked in our driveway by a down, live power wire.  Still.

Okay, so now I will stop complaining, because the good news is that my lovely in-laws have taken us in and by the grace of God and a generous friend were loaned a generator.  It's a cozy arrangement for sure, with heavy use of the camping stove and the grill, but we have heat, light and Nyquil.  And for all those things, I am grateful.

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