Thursday, January 12, 2012

Take a Shower, Shine Your Shoes

Before I delve into the awesomeness that is having your almost-two year old being obsessed with the band, Dispatch, I want to say another thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to my question about siblings (or lack thereof).  I heard from an amazing number of you, and I am genuinely touched by the thoughts, feelings and stories you shared with me.  I really, really appreciate it.  As for what we decide to do, well, I'll keep you posted. (No, this is not about dispatches from the womb.) :)

Okay, so, now onto Mateo's new raison d'etre.

When Geno turned 35+5 this past October, his brother, Ricardo, gave him a really amazing birthday gift.  He made a donation in Geno's name to the Elias Fund, a non-profit dedicated to "spreading hope and opportunity" in Zimbabwe in order to alleviate poverty.  The history of the fund, which started with a single man, Elias, is intertwined with the band Dispatch, who wrote a song about Elias's dream of sending his sons to college.

And that song, well, that song is Mateo's new theme song.  He and Geno watch the clip below on basically a daily basis, and Mateo sings and plays along on his guitar and/or conga.  (He calls the song, "Happy" in reference to the line, "She looks so proud, she looks so happy.")

Who needs Elmo when you have Zimbabwean children's choir live from Madison Square Garden?

PS- The theme for Mateo's upcoming birthday party is likely going to be "Benefit Concert & Jam Session."  Seriously.  

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