Sunday, January 8, 2012

One or two?

I'm under the impression that there's some sort of internal mechanism that triggers when your kid is almost two. Or maybe it's some sort of switch that flips in everyone around you.  Either way, everyone, including yourself, wants to know:  Will you be keeping or consigning those baby clothes?

I am a planner, a researcher, a list / flowchart / compare & contrast matrix maker.  And so I present you with the qualitative part of my whether-or-not-to-try-to-have-another-kid research.  For any of you who are willing to share, I would *love* to know why you decided to have more than one kid.  Or, why not.  (Let me quickly say that I know that wanting a child does not mean it's a given, so I make no assumptions.)

There are some pretty compelling arguments in all directions, taking all parties into account: the parents, the first kid, the theoretical sibling, and I'm sure in our case, the dogs.  So again, if you're willing to share (either here, on Facebook or with me directly at nic dot ayala at gmail dot com), I'd love to hear your thoughts on how you made the decision to go for it, or why you didn't, or how either decision has impacted your parenting / marriage or partnership / stress level / finances, etc.

In return, let me know what you want researched, and a flowchart shall be yours.


alg357 said...

So although I admittedly don't have any children of my own, I AM one of (and the oldest of) three children so I feel like I might impart a little wisdom from Matteo's (future) point of view!
Growing up with siblings was probably the single best thing about my childhood in addition to having great parents. Even when we were fighting, my brothers and I still loved each other and to this day, even though my brothers are 21 and 17 now, they're still two of my very best friends. We constantly had someone to play with, fight with, talk to, eat with...and the list goes on. I also feel that having two brothers gave me a better opportunity to socialize, taught me how to share and the value of family, and also provided the constant company, entertainment and support that only a sibling can provide. So although this isn't from a parent's point of view, I hope it gave you some different insight! Hope all is well =)

Rebecca said...

I just read a post on this (well, on the "two or three" question) - - hope the post and/or comments are useful!